Founded in 1983 after a major exhibition from the Vatican toured The Metropolitan (New York), the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco) and The Art Institute of Chicago, a group of philanthropists recognized the unique opportunity to participate in art conservation. Desiring to address the preservation of the artwork and historic buildings of the Vatican, the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums was launched worldwide.
The Ohio Chapter was founded in 2005 by long time Patron member, Lorraine Dodero. Mrs. Dodero has held the position of Chairman of the Ohio Chapter since its inception, she has been instrumental in the growth of the Ohio Chapter to its current membership base of over 300 members.
It is often the unseen and unnoticed work of the museum which must continue if the unique spiritual and cultural mission of the Vatican Museums is to flourish.
Inception of the Ohio Chapter first recruiting members’ event
First Committed Restoration, Ohio Chapter, Madonna and Child with Saint Anne and Joachim
1st Chapter Member’s trip to Rome & Vatican City
Leaders Vatican Visit ~ Mrs. Lorraine Dodero meeting Pope Benedict
Committed Restoration- Ohio Chapter ~ Vatican Library, Museo Profano
Vatican Splendors Exhibit held in Cleveland at Western Reserve Historical Society
Committed Restoration by member, Mr. David Krakowski ~ Two African Lirae
Audience with Pope Benedict ~ Mrs. Kaitlin Huse & Mrs. Denise Jasko
Committed Restoration- Ohio Chapter ~ The Vision of Saint Augustine
Committed Restoration by member, Mrs. Connie Frankino ~ Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus & Miracle of the Paralytic
Committed Restoration, Ohio Chapter, ~ Model for the Decorative Staircase
Committed Restoration by member, Mr. & Mrs. John & Sue Hripko ~ Saint Sebastian with Saints
Committed Restoration ~ Ohio Chapter ~ Wooden Shutters in the Raphael Room
Committed Restoration - Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Lorraine Dodero & Family ~ Church of San Salvador
Rome Trip
Committed Restoration - Ohio Chapter ~ The Collection of Cardinal Sfondrati
Committed Restoration by member, Father Michael Rock ~ Crucifixion of Saints
Committed Restoration by member, Mrs. Connie Frankino ~ Gallery of the Candelabras
Committed Restoration ~ Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Lorraine Dodero & Family ~ Saint Anne, The Virgin Mary & The Infant Jesus
Ohio Members Chapter trip to Rome & Vatican City
Committed Restoration - Ohio Chapter ~ Entrance to the Vatican Museums
Holiday Party Recognizing our Five Year Members
Annual Clam bake at Shoreby Club
Committed Restoration by National Chaplain, Msgr. Terence Hogan ~ Fourth Century Fresco of Praying Figure. Father Mark Haydu showing the displayed piece.
Committed Restoration by members, Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Joan Perry & Family ~ Icon and Stories from the life of St. Pantelo
Committed Restoration - Ohio Chapter ~ Colossal Ceiling
Committed Restoration ~ Ohio Chapter ~ Tapestry of Diana
Ohio Members Chapter trip to Rome and Vatican City, members Mrs. Rusty Greene and Mr. Jim Micale have audience with Pope Francis
Committed Restoration by member - Mrs. Connie Frankino ~ Third Loggia Apostolic Palace
Committed Funding by member, Mr. Anthony Bastulli ~ Vatican City office Internship
Committed Restoration by members, Mr. and Mrs. Umberto and Maryellen Fedeli and Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Celeste Spitalieri Nativity of the Madonna of Spineta
Committed Restoration - Ohio Chapter ~ Three Papal Carriages
Art, Wine and Culture, Fr. Dan Schlegel and guest speaker, Dr. Liz Lev
Committed Restoration by member, Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Lorraine Dodero & Family ~ Casina Pio IV Gardens
Cleveland Art Museum exhibit tour & dinner, members Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Lisa (Fazio) Grk
Cleveland Indians Game, members Mrs. Kathy Kenny, Valentina Salvador, Mr. Nick Salvador
Holiday Party held at Ritz Carlton Cleveland
Committed Restoration by members - Wenk Foundation ~ Procession of Pope Pius IX
Clambake held at Landerhaven, members Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Rosemarie Mintz & Family
The unprecedented year for everyone.
P.O. Box 241487
Cleveland, Ohio 44124
© 2025 Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums | Ohio Chapter